Celery Tasks Python Module

Module that contains all the amqp tasks that support the ingest infrastructure.

exception pacifica.ingest.tasks.IngestException[source]

Ingest class exception.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

pacifica.ingest.tasks.ingest_check_tarfile(job_id, filepath)[source]

Check the ingest tarfile and return state or set it properly.

pacifica.ingest.tasks.ingest_files(job_id, ingest_obj)[source]

Ingest the files to the archive interface.

pacifica.ingest.tasks.ingest_metadata(job_id, meta)[source]

Ingest metadata to the metadata service.

pacifica.ingest.tasks.ingest_metadata_parser(job_id, tar)[source]

Ingest the metadata and set the state appropriately.

pacifica.ingest.tasks.ingest_policy_check(job_id, meta_str)[source]

Ingest check to validate metadata at policy.

pacifica.ingest.tasks.move_files(job_id, meta_obj)[source]

Move the files to the archive interface.

pacifica.ingest.tasks.move_metadata_parser(job_id, metafile)[source]

Ingest the metadata and set the state appropriately.


Validate metadata.