Source code for pacifica.ingest.orm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""ORM for index server."""
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
from peewee import Model, OperationalError, BooleanField
from peewee import CharField, IntegerField, BigIntegerField, TextField, DateTimeField, DecimalField
from playhouse.migrate import SchemaMigrator, migrate
from playhouse.db_url import connect
from pacifica.ingest.config import get_config

DB = connect(get_config().get('database', 'peewee_url'))

[docs]class OrmSync: """ Special module for syncing the orm. This module should incorporate a schema migration strategy. The supported versions migrating forward must be in a versions array containing tuples for major and minor versions. The version tuples are directly translated to method names in the orm_update class for the update between those versions. Example Version Control:: class orm_update: versions = [ (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1) ] def update_0_1_to_0_2(): pass def update_0_2_to_1_0(): pass The body of the update should follow peewee migration practices. """ versions = [ (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0) ]
[docs] @staticmethod def dbconn_blocking(): """Wait for the db connection.""" dbcon_attempts = get_config().getint('database', 'connect_attempts') dbcon_wait = get_config().getint('database', 'connect_wait') while dbcon_attempts: try: IngestState.database_connect() return except OperationalError: # couldnt connect, potentially wait and try again sleep(dbcon_wait) dbcon_attempts -= 1 raise OperationalError('Failed database connect retry.')
[docs] @classmethod def update_0_0_to_1_0(cls): """Update by creating the table.""" if not IngestState.table_exists(): IngestState.create_table() col_names = [ for col_md in DB.get_columns('ingeststate')] if 'complete' in col_names: migrator = SchemaMigrator(DB) migrate(migrator.drop_column( 'ingeststate', 'complete' ))
[docs] @classmethod def update_1_0_to_2_0(cls): """Update by adding the boolean column.""" migrator = SchemaMigrator(DB) migrate(migrator.add_column( 'ingeststate', 'complete', BooleanField(default=False) ))
[docs] @classmethod def update_tables(cls): """Update the database to the current version.""" verlist = cls.versions db_ver = IngestStateSystem.get_version() if verlist.index(verlist[-1]) == verlist.index(db_ver): # we have the current version don't update return with IngestState.atomic(): for db_ver in verlist[verlist.index(db_ver):-1]: next_db_ver = verlist[verlist.index(db_ver)+1] method_name = 'update_{}_to_{}'.format( '{}_{}'.format(*db_ver), '{}_{}'.format(*next_db_ver) ) getattr(cls, method_name)() IngestStateSystem.drop_table() IngestStateSystem.create_table() IngestStateSystem.get_or_create_version()
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class BaseModel(Model): """Auto-generated by pwiz.""" class Meta: """Map to the database connected above.""" database = DB
[docs]class IngestStateSystem(BaseModel): """Ingest State Schema Version Model.""" part = CharField(primary_key=True) value = IntegerField(default=-1)
[docs] @classmethod def get_or_create_version(cls): """Set or create the current version of the schema.""" if not cls.table_exists(): return (0, 0) major, _created = cls.get_or_create(part='major', value=SCHEMA_MAJOR) minor, _created = cls.get_or_create(part='minor', value=SCHEMA_MINOR) return (major, minor)
[docs] @classmethod def get_version(cls): """Get the current version as a tuple.""" if not cls.table_exists(): return (0, 0) return (cls.get(part='major').value, cls.get(part='minor').value)
[docs] @classmethod def is_equal(cls): """Check to see if schema version matches code version.""" major, minor = cls.get_version() return major == SCHEMA_MAJOR and minor == SCHEMA_MINOR
[docs] @classmethod def is_safe(cls): """Check to see if the schema version is safe for the code.""" major, _minor = cls.get_version() return major == SCHEMA_MAJOR
[docs]class IngestState(BaseModel): """Map a python record to a mysql table.""" job_id = BigIntegerField(primary_key=True, column_name='id') state = CharField() task = CharField() task_percent = DecimalField() exception = TextField(default='') complete = BooleanField(default=False) created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow) updated = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow)
[docs] @classmethod def atomic(cls): """Get the atomic context or decorator.""" # pylint: disable=no-member return cls._meta.database.atomic()
# pylint: enable=no-member
[docs] @classmethod def database_connect(cls): """ Make sure database is connected. Trying to connect a second time *does* cause problems. """ # pylint: disable=no-member if not cls._meta.database.is_closed(): cls._meta.database.close() cls._meta.database.connect()
# pylint: enable=no-member
[docs] @classmethod def database_close(cls): """ Close the database connection. Closing already closed database is not a problem, so continue on. """ # pylint: disable=no-member if not cls._meta.database.is_closed(): cls._meta.database.close()
# pylint: enable=no-member class Meta: """Map to uniqueindex table.""" table_name = 'ingeststate'
# pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]def update_state(job_id, state, task, task_percent, exception=''): """Update the state of an ingest job.""" completed = False if state == 'FAILED' or (task == 'ingest metadata' and task_percent == 100): completed = True if job_id and int(job_id) >= 0: IngestState.database_connect() record = IngestState.get_or_create(job_id=job_id, defaults={'task': '', 'task_percent': 0, 'state': ''})[0] record.state = state record.task = task record.task_percent = task_percent record.exception = exception record.complete = completed record.updated = datetime.utcnow() IngestState.database_close()
[docs]def read_state(job_id): """Return the state of an ingest job as a json object.""" IngestState.database_connect() if job_id and job_id >= 0: record = IngestState.get(job_id=job_id) else: record = IngestState() record.state = 'DATA_ACCESS_ERROR' record.task = 'read_state' record.task_percent = 0 IngestState.database_close() return record